2022-03-25 - Remembrance


~2 mi @ ~25 min/mi

"During the summer and fall in 2002, the senseless violence of two men caused the deaths of thirteen innocent people. Although the tragedies occurred in several parts of the country, sniper fire in the Washington, D.C. area abruptly ended the lives of ten men and women. The stones here, engraved with the names of those ten, bear witness to the fact that they lived and worked among us – and they are not forgotten. Their lives, each unique but all too short, are forever part of our collective story. This place also honors the kindness of so many who supported their families and whose active compassion still strengthens the bonds of community."

So says the stone monument at Wheaton Regional Park. Nearby are the names of the ten: James D Martin, James L "Sonny" Buchanan, Prem Kumar Waldekar, Sarah Ramos, Lori A Lewis Rivera, Pascal E Charlot, Dennis H Meyers, Kenneth H Bridges, Linda Franklin, Conrad E Johnson. On a stone bench nearby are the words:

Linger here and reflect on those lost to violence.
            Hope for a more peaceful world.
    Seek a reverence for life among all people.

(trackfile) - ^z - 2022-06-01